Lā Holoholo Summer 2016

It’s back! We are happy to announce another round of our Ma Ka Hana Ka ‘Ike Internship happening this summer from May 31st to July 22nd, 2016.  The dates and 8-week duration of the paid summer internship are tailored so that young adults (ages 16-24) can fit this amazing opportunity into their summer schedules. We hope to inspire high school and college-level young adults to pursue a profession in a related field but more important simply become better stewards, champions, and caretakers of our precious island resources and home.

Interns will learn about and participate in activities centered around cultivating personal relationships and kuleana with ʻāina and kai, traditional and modern aquaculture, and estuary/stream restoration. Activities and experiences will be based out of Heʻeia Fishpond in Koʻolaupoko, O’ahu.

General internship and application specifics are listed on the flyer below. Applications must be postmarked no later than Friday May 6th to be considered. Applicants must be 16 years or older to apply but preference will be given to those between 16 and 24 years old. Please contact us if you have further questions.


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