Our Networks
Hui Malama Loko I’a
Hui Malama Loko I’a is a grass-roots association of individuals, families, and organizations dedicated to maintaining a network of fishpond practitioners and stakeholders to share resources and educate the community about Hawaiian fishponds. Working closely with Uncle Walter Ritte of Moloka’i, our first Statewide Fishpond Consortium was held at He’eia State Park in 2004. The “Hui” was organized at that initial meeting and island-specific networks were established. Awarded a “Mo’ Bettah Together” grant from the Hawai’i Community Foundation to promote its goals and objectives, the Hui was able to gather again in 2005 at Kualoa Ranch, Oahu and in 2006 at Kalahuipua’a, Hawai`i island.
After a 5-year hiatus, the Hui regathered in March 2011 at Kalama’ula, Moloka’i with the greatest turnout to date. Over 80 individuals representing 22 fishponds participated in the 2-day conference. In addition to having facilitated discussions about the “value” of fishponds and success/challenges in restoration, participants also visited three Moloka’i fishponds to learn about and work in those ponds.
Currently, the Hui is working with state and federal agencies to improve the permitting process which can slow down or impede fishpond restoration. If you would like to learn more about this movement or help in any way, please contact us.